Current Affairs of Today’s : 18 May 2024

18 May Current Affairs Questions 2024

1. Which country has launched 6G device recently
(a) Japan
(b) Choriya
(c) America
(d) Chain

Answer :a) Japan

Japan has launched the world’s first 6G device, it works 20 times faster than 5G.

2. Which has been declared as India’s highest tunnel recently?
(a) Atal Surang
(b) Sela Tunnel
(c) Pir Panjal Railway Tunnel

Answer : (b) Sela Tunnel

England’s International Book of Honor has officially recognized Sela Tunnel as the country’s highest tunnel. Located on the India-China border in Arunachal Pradesh, this tunnel is 2.59 km long and is located at an altitude of 13000 feet.

3. Recently, the United Nations report has estimated the RBI _____ growth rate?
(a) 8%
(b) 7%
(c) 7.5%
(d) 9%

Answer :(b) 7%

Recently The United Nations had estimated India’s GDP growth rate for 2024 to be 6.2 percent in January, after which it has now been increased by 0.7 points. According to the United Nations, India’s GDP growth rate is estimated to be 6.9% in the financial year 2024.

3. Recently The United Nations has estimated this growth rate to be ____ percent in 2025?

Answer :(a)6.6%

4. What is a portable hospital?
(a) Emergency Hospital
(b) Hospital in remote place or natural disaster
(c) Hospital Bhishma can be landed anywhere immediately with the help of plane or helicopter
(d) All of above

Answer : (d) All of above

Recently Indian Air Force successfully tested portable hospital BHISHM Project Bhishma was announced in February 2022, after which the Ministry of Defense formed a task force for the portable hospital initiative.

5. When is World AIDS Vaccine Day celebrated?
(a) 10 May
(b) 18 May
(c) 19 May
(d) 20 May

Answer : (b) 18 May

6. When is International Museum Day celebrated
(a) 20 May
(b) 18 May
(c) 15 May
(d) 30 May

Answer : (b) 18 May

International Museum Day is celebrated on 18 May
Theme 2024 – “Museums for Education and Research” Organised by the International Council of Museums (ICOM) every year since 1977

7. The United Arab Emirates has launched ‘Blue Residency’ visa for ______?
(a) 10 Year
(b) 5 Year
(c) 7 Year
(d) None

Answer : (a) 10 Year

This visa will be given to those people who have done important work and made significant contribution in environmental protection

8. The TAK-003 vaccine that is in the news recently is?
(a) Dengue
(b) Cancer
(c) Malaria
(d) Polio

Answer : (a) Dengue

The new dengue vaccine TAK-003 has received prequalification from the World Health Organization (Who). TAK-003 is the second dengue vaccine to receive prequalification by WHO.

9. Who has been appointed as the Additional Director of CBI? (a) AYV Krishna
(b) N Venu Gopal
(c) both
(d) None

Answer :(c) both

IPS officers AYV Krishna and N Venu Gopal have been appointed as Additional Directors of CBI. The tenure of IPS officers AYV Krishna and N Venu Gopal as Additional Directors will be till August 6, 2028.

10. The _______ meeting of the India-Mongolia Joint Working Group was held in Ulaanbaatar?
(a) 12th
(b) 24th
(c) 25th
(d) none

Answer :(a) 12th

The 12th meeting was held on 16-17 May 2024 in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia


May Current Affairs Questions /MCQs 2024 

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