What special day is 5th February?

Do you know which day is celebrated on 5th February? If your answer is no then this article is for you. In this article we will know which day is celebrated on 5th February and why this day is special in the sense of history. It is also useful for general knowledge. If you are preparing for competitive exams then it becomes even more useful for you.

What special day is 5th February?

World Nutella Day is celebrated every year on 5 February. The reason behind the celebration is that people around the world enjoy Nutella dishes in different ways and the celebration was started by American blogger Sarah Rosso on 5 February 2007. She liked this dish so much. Loved that he dedicated a day to it. World Nutella Day was first celebrated in 2007

These days are also celebrated on 5th February like

National Primrose Day
National Fart Day
National Sickie Day
National Chocolate Fondue Day

For your information, it is also important to know that Kashmir Day is also celebrated on 5th February. This day is celebrated by Pakistan in the memory of those martyred for Kashmir.

National Wildlife Federation was formed on 5 February 1936.

History of 5th February in India

In 1922, Indian revolutionaries set fire to the British police post in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh. Due to which Mahatma Gandhi had withdrawn his non-cooperation movement.

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